They always taught us that some of us are creative. That "they" are creative. What a lie to tell someone so young. So we "stop" being creative and never go back to it. The truth is that we are all creative we just need to tingle it! Being creative is not just knowing to draw, act or play an instrument. It's so much more than that. Being creative means solving a problem in a new way! Not just in terms of inventing something new but doing ordinary things in a new, different way. If you are constantly finding new ways to decorate your bedroom, workspace or decorating your journal, you are being creative! 
Being creative means getting out of your comfort zone and taking risks. It's thinking outside of the box. When we were kids we were constantly creative. We were drawing, playing with toys and we were letting our imagination led us, no matter was we were good or bad. We were doing it and we loved it!

I realized that I'm creative by working on my blog. I was constantly trying to do something more. Firstly I was doing it by giving it a more meaning to it. I was doing it by adding value to it. I didn't want to write for the sake of writing, I wanted to offer you something. When I did that, I still wanted something more. Then I started playing around with photography. I was experimenting, with the lighting, poses and in general the type of photography. Now, I'm experimenting with collages! It's super fun and it looks good visually.

The question is, how to be more creative?
➤ You can sign up for a new class of cooking, drawing or dancing! Do something new and challenging and you will be surprised!
➤ You can read books, they are great for our imagination and not just imagination, but our vocabulary as well!
➤ You can go from small things like buying a coloring book! It's so much fun and it's going to fuel you with positive and creative energy to do something more!
➤ Write down your ideas and then brainstorm them. It's not always that easy and you should remember that failing is a part of creative process. After you fail you know that you will come up with an even better solution. I know it sounds silly but it's true!
➤ Just start with what you have. Try to do everyday things more creatively, you'll see the difference. Trust me!

Do you see yourself as a creative individual? How would you define creativity? How you practice it?
Photography: Jelena Vukosavljevic