I think that is important to talk about expressing individuality rather than sinking into the crowd. You express yourself through the way you talk, walk, show yourself and the way you dress. Everything you do is saying who you are! Today we are going to talk about expressing individuality through fashion and developing your style.
Developing your style is really hard when you don't know where to start. It's even harder when you want to try something new and different and all you have is disapproval from people around you. Today is hard to be different. Back in the day's everyone wanted to express their individuality. Along the road, something happened and now everyone wants to dress the same, even though there is freedom of choice and everything is available to you.

 I always wanted to do something more with my style. I didn't know what should I do or where should I start. All I knew is that I don't want to fit in into the crowd. My style developed from cute (basic) and girly to chic, vintage and urban. It was a quite a journey, which I'm still on. I thought I could share with you few tips on developing your style as well with expressing your individuality through fashion.

The first thing you need to know is that you can't change your style overnight, it takes a lot of time and experimenting. You need to go through the whole process. Be patient! You need to experiment all the time. To try new things all the time. Go for the things you think you would never try. You may surprise how good they fit you. You can never go wrong! Even if you go, it's a part of the process. There are no rules! I had a phase where I tried the super cool, urban and basic look. I was so funny and I tried to be so tough, you need to check it out, haha! (here - my favorite one, here and here). That was two years ago.

Now I know what is my direction and I like to experiment in another way. You all know that I love vintage pieces, especially masculine ones. I love to play with them and to show my feminine side through it. I love combining very elegant clothes with casual ones, I just love to play!

When you discover what your direction is, everything will be much easier and fun! So, never stop playing!

This one is very important: let go of what other people think. You should never care what other people got to say. I remember wearing blazers in high school, I was obsessed with them. I had them in so many colors and I remember some of the people were making fun of me like I'm a businesswoman. I loved shoes, like oxfords but they were ankle boots. No one liked them, from my friends or my mom and sister. But, I didn't care. My mom was always telling me to wear something if I like it and that's always enough. That's true! You know the best. You are you and we are all very different. I'm very brave when it comes to fashion and I don't have problem wearing golden or metallic shoes. I know that people don't lke them, but I know that I LOVE them and I styled them in my own way and it's amazing. You should always dress for yourself and not for others.

Don't take fashion too seriously, you should have a lot of fun.

Top - Vintage; Skirt - HM; Ankle Boots - Ego; Bag - Zac Posen; Watch - Mockberg; Bracelets - The Peach Box; Sunglasses - Vintage; Earrings - Jane Konig;
Photography: Jelena Vukosaljevic