When you are working on something for years, it can become repetitive and boring. You must remember that that's no one fault. That's normal, the only thing you can do is to make it interesting on and on. That's the way that everything works, no matter what you are doing in your life, including blogging. I realized that some of the fashion bloggers just started publishing outfit posts for the sake of posts and publishing. That's a good example of a bad habit because that person is going to burn through it. It's your job to make it interesting and to always give a value and meaning to it!
I wanted to talk about adding value and meaning to every post that is related to outfits or fashion. You shouldn't ever post for the sake of posting or for the sake of clothes that was gifted to you. I'm not saying that you shouldn't shoot that clothes, you should but with meaning (ex. if they gifted to you a red coat, you should write a post about how to rock a statement coat and give your audience few tips on). 
I thought to write you a few things to think about when you are writing a post:

Make a point of your story! You should always have a reason why you are telling a story!
This is the first and most important thing you should ALWAYS keep in mind. Make sure you know what you want to tell your readers. Write that down, make it clear. Think about what you have to offer them, what you are good at and what you can teach them. For example, I'm good with vintage clothing and I can share with you some tips on how to style certain type of clothing or I can teach you how to style bold shoes with your everyday clothing.

Photography is the accompanying element! You should have the whole package.
I always tend to give meaning to everything that I work, no matter what it is. Sometimes it's really exhausting but most of the time it's very useful. In blogging, photography is VERY important. But, the truth is: everyone has amazing photography so you need to have the whole package. You can't have amazing photography without the story. I hope that you get what I want to say.

Don't let that brand dictates you how to create a content!
This is easier to say than to actually do it. In order to maintain your story (brand), you should always stay true to yourself. Learn to say NO and to say when you don't like something because everything you put out there is representing you and there's no turning back. I want to say that if you are a fashion blogger you shouldn't say yes to every chance that someone offers you, even though if you are a beginner, don't let money and clothes blind you. You'll spend that money and that clothes will fade away, but the image of your brand will stay online forever. Think about that!

When you are creating a blog post, keep in mind these things:
- What is the main subject of your story?
- What will your audience have from it? What you are going to teach them?
- Is that interesting to you? (If it isn't, don't write about it!)
- Make sure to always ADD VALUE to everything that you do.
- Have fun!

I hope you enjoyed this post, let me know in the comments what do you think about this topic!
Top - Vintage; (find similar here)
Blazer - Vintage; (find similar here)
Jeans - Romwe; (find similar here)
Boots - Shoes of prey; (find similar here)
Sunglasses - Vintage; (find similar here)
Beret - New Yorker;
Photography: Jelena Vukosavljevic

*This post is done in a collaboration with the Nakturnal agency. For more info click here.