It's finally my favorite time of the year - summer! Right now I'm at the seaside with my boyfriend and we are staying at the family house and we stay here for quite some time (20-30 days). Which means I have a plenty of time for reading, drawing, relaxing and working on my blog. This year I brought so many books with me and I thought it could be fun to share with you few that I finished and which I liked a lot!

Before New Years, I decided I want to go back to reading. I use to read so much in primary and high school and at some point, I just stopped. I told myself I want to go back to it because I enjoyed it so much and I promised to myself that I'll find time to it! Eight months later, I'm reading like a crazy one! I'm enjoying books about self-improvement, creativity, and novels as well. I'm trying to spice it up and not just to limit myself to one genre.

I don't want it to make it to long, so let's start with my list:

Neverwhere from Neil Gaiman - This is an urban fantasy novel. This one was a huge step for me because I've never read fantasy novels before. I read so much about Neil Gaiman that I had to get my hands on at least one of his books! I got this one for my birthday. I always thought that fantasy books are boring, but man I was so wrong. I loved this one. Neil is so good with words and he knows how to spice it up! The story is about the world under the London streets, it's the city of the people who have fallen between the cracks. Richard Mayhew is the main character and he was living in the London until one incident happened where he became invisible to people in London and he went to Neverwhere (world beneath the London). The story is really good and you can't predict anything. When I was coming to the end of the book, I was all the time like: "Oh, okay, this is the end" and then baaam Neil surprise you and it was like this four times. He is brilliant!! I can't wait to come back from my vacay to grab some more books from him. Fun fact: there is a show which is filmed by this book and I need to watch it!

Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert - You need to read this book!! If you are a creator of any kind, or even if you didn't you NEED to read this book! It's about creativity, on our relationship with it, how to deal with fear and how to be more curious. I read it for a second time at the seaside and I will read it god knows how many times! It's such an inspiring book, every time I read it I learn something new and it really helps me in terms of creating.

The Power Of Now: A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle - I've heard about this book from my art teacher and I knew that at some point I'm going to have it. It's a very complex spiritual guide, which is easy to understand but it is a slow read. In the foreword. Eckhart is emphasizing that we should read this book at a slow pace and that you should take your time to read it. When you are reading it, there are symbols like three stars, which means you should stop reading it and think about what you read. I really love the whole concept and I love how he explains how our mind works and how we all have problems because we are suffering from the past and we are worried about our future, but all we should do is be fully present because what we are doing now is creating our future. If you are into self-improvement you should definitely read this book. You will need some time to read it, but you'll appreciate every lesson you learn from here

Shift Happens by Robert Holden - I love the style of writing that Robert has, it's such an easy, powerful, fun and meaningful. He is a psychiatrist and an author. I discovered him when I read a book that Louise Hay wrote with him. In this book, he is talking about very simple and obvious things, he included all of the key topics about how to be happy and how to reach that inner happiness. I love that he included so many examples. It's very relaxing and fun to read but it's so meaningful and inspirational.

While I was writing this post I came to an idea to share with you blogs that I'm reading at the moment, that aren't necessarily about fashion or beauty.

From Roses - From fashion, beauty to lifestyle, she's got amazing lifestyle and personal posts I love to read. She posts almost every day so I have to read something new every day!

Marc And Angel - I love their blog and newsletter, they are writing about self-help and self-improvement. This is one of my favorite posts from them.

Seth Godin he's got the best posts about motivation and I love his daily newsletter. He inspires me every day.

To end this post I will share two shows I'm watching and those are The Handmaid's Tale and The Expansion.
 I started watching The Handmaid's tale from boredom, I didn't watch any trailer and I didn't know there was so much hype about this show, but I loved it. It's very graphic and hard show to match, but I loved everything about it. From the characters, story and how they filmed it. It has such a deeper meaning and it makes me think about the world we are living in.

The Expanse is a futuristic show. It's about the three worlds: Earthers, Martians, and Belters. One group needs to save the humanity from bioweapon that some of them are making. It's not an ordinary bioweapon, it's from a protomolecole that aliens are made of. This isn't something that I would usually watch, but I really love this show. They made it so smart, it's like it can really happen something like this. You need to give a try to this show!

What are you reading these days? Do you have any recommendations? Did you read something from my list or did you watch any of these shows?