When I was younger I always listened to things you should do before the year ends and I always found them so funny. But now, many years later, I do understand them. If we want to make next year better we need to get rid of some things in this one. So let's go with the list!

First one would be to forgive. To yourself! For not exercising regularly, for eating too much chocolate, for things and actions you regret now, just forgive yourself! You shouldn't analyze it or overthink because you don't have anything from it. In order to forgive others for everything they did, you need to forgive yourself first. You know how they say you should enter to a new year like a diary with blank pages so you can write it with new experiences. If we want blank pages, we need to forgive ourselves and others so we can fill them with beautiful things! Don't you agree? Accept and forgive. That's the formula for growing! Get the largest paper in the house and start writing! It's so liberating.

Make a list of things you did this year! Acknowledge them and be grateful for them. It's important to keep track of things we learned and experienced. If we never do of this, we won't know what we did and what we want to work on in the next year. You should write everything down. Doesn't matter if you say it, I think the best thing is to write it down. It's different when you actually write these things because that's when you realize the power of words and actions you did.

Be grateful for everything that happened to you. Good or bad, be grateful. It shaped you into a person that you are now. I think that in general, we should all practice gratitude more. I think that's how we are going to be more aware of things that are happening to us and around us.

Don't forget that it's never too late for anything. Doesn't matter if it's last month of the year. Every day is a new beginning and nothing should stop you from progress!
Photography: Simona Andrejić