I always struggled with looking confident in photos. Believe it or not, I was always that kind of a girl that hated to pose with her family and friends. I thought I don't look pretty and that I'm not photogenic. I was soo wrong! You don't have to be born "photogenic" to look nice in photos. I would say you need to be comfortable with yourself to be photogenic, if you are comfortable you are beautiful and you are photogenic! It's that simple. 
I'm kidding it's not simple at all. I was for ages uncomfortable with posing in front of camera.

It's a bit weird when photographers are people you don't know or they aren't in the mood and everything is uncomfortable. It can get bad, but the thing is, you need good photos, so who cares about everything. Who cares about people watching who are watching you (or taking pictures of you), who cares about the ones that are laughing, who cares that you are in the center of the big rush. Just own it girl! When you decide you don't care, everything will be much easier. When I'm in that mode, I just switch myself off. I'm not in the crowd anymore, I'm here to create kick ass content for my blog. All that matter is that I pose good and that I feel good while doing it.

So I decided to share with you few tips on how to look and feel more confident while you are taking pictures: 
 Have your people around taking photos of you!
For me this was crucial. I needed to have people that I actually know and that are interesting in taking pictures of me. If you are paying someone to take pictures of you, make sure that they are good in the area you are working in (for example: don't hire someone who is specialized in food photography and not fashion, or someone who is into lifestyle one). Second thing is to find photographer who appreciate what you are doing and who admires your work! Because, if they don't believe in your work, trust me your photos are going to suck. Been there!

➳ Forget about the other people, you are here to take pictures!
If you want to have a really nice pictures, you need to feel good. Which means you need to switch off. It's like you are there but you aren't, you are focused on what you are doing and that's posing. When you are switched off, you are comfortable and you are switched off for the purpose. Remember one thing: always straighten your shoulders, your posture will look so much better on the pictures.

Play with angles! Have fun!
Play with your angles and photographer, I'm sure you will find your perfect one. Don't be afraid to goof around, to try out new poses. Go with weird ones and you will be surprised how some of them turn out great. At the end of the day it's important to have fun. When you are comfortable with taking pictures wherever you are and when you are in for playing around pictures will turn out amazing, I promise!

I hope these helped you and inspired you to try out something new next time you decide to create content for your blog! Let me know in the comments your tips for being more confident in photos.

Earrings - Jane Konig; Watch - Mockberg; Sunglasses - Accessoryo; Blouse - Rosegal;