I love wearing colors. When I'm thinking about where I would like to be with my style. I'm always imagining feminine, stylish and elegant girl who's not wearing much of a colors. But, there is one problem, I could never give up on colors. I love them so much!
I could never imagine myself in black and white all the time. I don't think anything bad with saying that, I just can't think of it. Good thing is you can always pull off monochrome look.
Monochrome is originally used in photography for taking black and white photos and it's literally meaning is different shades of same color.
You can always go with the monochrome look and you can add a bit of color to it with your make up or accessories. You can go with the simpliest version of this trend and that's just wearing black and white color without any pattern or prints with it. Or you can go with some other color, such as nude. If you like to experiment, you can mix patterns like stripes and gingham or animal print. It's all up to you!

Why you should pull of monochrome look?
 It's easy, especially if you go with black and white.
 It's classic and timeless!
It alwalys looks elegant.
You can look great without spending lots of money.

What do you think of monochrome looks?

Top - Missy Empire; Bag - Picard; Watch - Mockberg; Flats - Flattered;

Photos: Marija Tasic